
A Transfer is when you move your money to or from your primary online banking account to another account in your financial institution or an external account at a different financial institution. You can make a transfer at any time, online or from your mobile device, without visiting a bank or using a wire transfer facility.


Whether you need to transfer funds from your checking to savings account, or from an account at another financial institution, you can easily transfer funds in just a couple clicks. Have the funds where you need them in an easy and streamlined way without the hassle of visiting multiple banks, writing checks or waiting for wire transfers

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See how easy it is to move money from your checking to savings account or from another financial institution to your primary online banking account.

Get Started with Making a Transfer:

Sign into Online Banking
Navigate to the Transfers tab.

Select the Accounts
Choose the account your are moving money from and the account you are moving money to. If you are transferring money to a financial institution different than your primary account, you will need additional information.

Enter an Amount
Enter the amount of money you want to move and how frequently you want to move money - daily, weekly, monthly, etc. If you have chosen to make a recurring transfer, you can set how many times you will transfer or set an end-date.

Review Your Transfer
With all your information complete, review the entire transfer. If it looks correct, continue and your transfer will begin to move your money. You can now schedule other transfers.

Download Transfers Cheat Sheet


“The only way I can move money from another bank is with a check or cash.”


With Transfers you can move money to and from any verified account – even at another financial institution.


What is an External Transfer?

External Transfers allows you to transfer money back and forth between your account at your bank and accounts you hold at other banks. This quick and convenient option can save you time and money—you no longer need to go to the branch to obtain a cashier’s check or establish an outgoing wire transfer.

How do I start using External Transfers?

Log in to your online banking account and navigate to your Internal/ External money transfers page. You can move money from one eligible internal account to another as well as to and from an external account. An external account must be validated first before this option is available.

How soon do I have access to externally transferred money?

You normally have access to the money in 2–3 business days.

How will I know if my account is eligible?

You can transfer money to and from most accounts at your bank. Please check with your bank for limitations regarding the accounts that can be sent to and from.

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